Kostnadsfri webinarserie för lärare

Boosta ditt sätt att undervisa med vårt kostnadsfria EF Teacher Development Certificate. Delta i sex webinars med akademiska experter som delar med sig av metoder, tillvägagångssätt och vertyg för att göra språkundervisning roligare för dig och dina elever.

Så fungerar EF Teacher Development Certificate

Ditt EF Teacher Development Certificate får du genom att delta i samtliga sex webinars. Dessa är kostnadsfria och äger rum flera gånger per år (se datum nedan). Sessionerna hålls på engelska och är en timme långa. Lärare världen över kan delta och alla deltagare får vid seriens slut sitt certifikat skickat till sig via mail.

Registrera dig nu

Kommande webinars

Webinar 1

AI and the ELT Teaching Journey

13.03.2025 - 17.00 CET

Explore how AI can enhance your ELT classroom! This webinar is designed to help you leverage AI tools to personalize instruction, save time on lesson planning, and engage students in innovative ways. Discover practical strategies and tools that will enhance your teaching journey and motivate your students to learn


Webinar 2

Task based learning

20.03.2025 - 17.00 CET

Discover how Task-Based Learning can boost communication, motivation, and language skills in your classroom. This practical webinar offers strategies, activities, and tips to create engaging, real-world tasks for learners.


Webinar 3

Student centered Grammar Learning

27.03.2025 - 17.00 CET

Re-imagine grammar teaching with a student-centered approach! This webinar explores strategies to empower learners to discover, practice, and apply grammar in meaningful ways. Perfect for ELT teachers looking to make grammar learning engaging and effective.


Webinar 4

Exploiting Authentic Material

03.04.2025 - 17.00 CET

This webinar will give you practical strategies to integrate real-world texts, media, and resources into their lessons. Learn how to adapt and utilize authentic materials effectively to enhance language acquisition, build cultural awareness, and inspire your students. Perfect for teachers looking to bring the real world into their ELT classrooms!


Webinar 5

Gamifying any Activity

10.04.2025 - 17.00 CET

Discover how to boost engagement and motivation through gamification! This webinar explores practical ways to integrate game elements into your ELT lessons, making learning fun and impactful for your students.


Webinar 6

Evidencing Learning in the classroom

17.04.2025 - 17.00 CET

Join this practical webinar and explore practical strategies to track progress, showcase achievement, and provide meaningful feedback. Perfect for ELT teachers aiming to make learning visible and impactful!


Kan du inte vara med vid ett tillfälle? Inga problem! Du kan fortfarande få ditt certifikat genom att titta på en inspelning av sessionen som skickas ut efter varje live-webinar.

Vad säger lärare om oss?

"Thank you very much for all the webinars. All six were interesting and helped me look more critically at the way I teach. I will try to improve. Thank you again and hope you will have more interesting things for us in store."
Irina Rybalchenko - Znanye Language Center, Russia
"They were all very useful, informative and enjoyable. Some helped me structure what I already knew. Some gave me food for thought. I will certainly use your presenters' brilliant ideas and suggestions to make my lessons more effective and fun."
Tatyana Vidneyeva - Russia
"It was very beneficial as this a hot and trending topic nowadays. Also, we are trying to step up into using more tech in our classrooms, so it is good to know the basics."
Meric Tumer - Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey


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