Perfekt med FOR och SINCE
När vi använder perfekt, kan vi definiera en tidsperiod som ägde rum innan nutid och ha dess varaktighet i åtanke, genom att använda for + en tidsenhet, eller så kan vi ha dess startpunkt i åtanke, genom att använda since + en tidpunkt. FOR och SINCE kan båda också användas tillsammans med pluskvamperfekt. SINCE kan endast användas tillsammans med perfekt. FOR kan även användas tillsammans med imperfekt.
For + en tidsenhet
for six years, for a week, for a month, for hours, for two hours
I have worked here for five years.
Since + en tidpunkt
since this morning, since last week, since yesterday
since I was a child, since Wednesday, since 2 o'clock
I have worked here since 1990.
Perfekt med FOR
She has lived here for twenty years.
We have taught at this school for a long time.
Alice has been married forthree months.
They have been at the hotel for a week.
Perfekt med SINCE
She has lived here since 1980.
We have taught at this school since 1965.
Alice has been married since March 2nd.
They have been at the hotel since last Tuesday.